Lessons from the Razor Wire of Impermanence
Dharma on the edge
San Quentin’s Death Row is gone, soon to be remodeled into more humane "rehabilitation rooms” for residents of the mainline, aka "The Norwegian Model.” All the men have been transferred to other prisons. Many of them see our work together on The Row to be instrumental in this transformation.
I’ve decided to keep these stories up because they exemplify how deeply spiritual these men are, and the depth they have vowed to use what remaining time they have left to ensure a better rebirth through intensive prayer and dedication of any and all positive merit to all suffering beings.
They are very moved to know that some people ‘out there’ are interested in what they have to say and how we study dharma.
We hope you are interested and inspired by these stories, and that they feed the spiritual fire of your own Awakening.
Death Row Butterfly
I hadn’t been to Death Row to meet with my Buddhist Sangha for about a month due to my staff sponsor and escort being out of town. Last night I met with group one of the 3 Buddhist groupings I have there. A. and D. were both escorted by their tier guards into the telephone-booth sized holding cages at the back of the chapel where we met. They were very happy to see me, and despite my being tired from a long day at the prison, I was happy to see them too.
Friendship Among the Trees on Death Row
Yesterday was my day to see Yard 11-which, for years, was just one man, I’ll call him Ron. Ron and I had many conversations over the years about getting older on Death Row, about his early “spiritual” days listening to the many teachers from the East who visited the US in the ’60s, about his crocheting hats for the homeless, but most of all about being lonely there on The Row.
Bodhicitta Behind Bars
I have been contemplating the next step to take in my Buddhist Services on Death Row. My groups have grown from 1 to over 50 men, all who are deeply interested in pursuing any spiritual knowledge they can find in order to explore and expand their inner lives. Many of them attend the other faith services there as well, so though I provide the Buddhist teachings, I always ask them to identify where and how the topics we are talking about show up in the other traditions. Our discussions become multi-faceted, a real kaleidoscope of the inner journey seen through the multi-lenses of spirit.

Remarkable People on Death Row
San Quentin’s Death Row is empty.
All of the former residents are in other prisons now-mostly Level 2’s-as part of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to turn San Quentin into Rehabilitation Center. (Mr. Governor, sorry you are late to the party but SQ has been a center of rehabilitation for at least two decades.) Some of the former residents on Death Row attribute our near decade of doing transformational Buddhist practice there as an element that led to this.
Change happens! Shift Happens!
And-there are many many people across the country in other Death Rows who are as worthy of mention. Please know that these three embody qualities and contributions that are mirrored by many. These are the invisible of the invisible, but the main point of showcasing them here is to show, once again, the humanity of those the general public is conditioned to ‘other’ and demonize.
I was blessed to work closely with Jarvis Masters-we were able to meet there in The Row for nearly 2 years before the Death Row Sangha grew. Jarvis has two books out, which everyone should read. They are stories of how one’s spiritual lens can make meaning life anywhere, even on Death Row.
Perhaps more importantly though is that Jarvis’s case, and his innocence is very active and in the public eye. Please do check out his website for updates.
Albert Ru-al Jones is a spiritual hero. He stands to be the most published author of any Death Row Inmates, with 6 books available publicly, and at least 5 more about to be published. “Ru” is one of the most joyful, grace-filled people I have ever met. His deep commitment to Christianity is confirmed in the way he lives his life there on The Row. He does 4 religious retreats every year that are rigorous, and ensure that he keeps the spiritual container of his life intact. Ru has collaborated on many many projects with artists of various genres.
You can read a bit more about the depth of his spirit in my “Bodhicitta Behind Bars” story here.
I urge you to read his books too. I have read (am even in one!) at least four of his books.
Here is my review of his brutally honest book: Ten Toez Down -an account of growing up in South Central as the crack era, Rodney King and other major historical shifts happened.
“This book is a page-turner. I read it cover to cover, as I have a few others of his books. This book could be a great documentary as it reveals so much of life that so many people have lived, but even more have no idea about. Albert's storytelling is a fast-moving, no holds barred journey through a pivotal time in US history. Albert Jones gives us a perspective that most people do not know, once you do, your framework for American History will stand on a whole different platform. This story starts with Albert's earliest memories which include all the things a good upbringing includes: loving family, puppies, friends, good schools. As a teen, girls, weed, territory, loyalty, betrayal and revenge pick up speed and as the pages turn, you are riding shotgun in joyrides, shootouts, close calls with enemies and the wrath of caring relatives. Soon after, crack and guns come into the 'hood and the ante gets raised. Friends become casualties, adrenaline is the life blood and Albert Ru-al Jones keeps us in close whether we want to be or not.”
Maurice “Mo” Harris is a dedicated Buddhist practitioner and activist. Without him, my Death Row Buddhist Sangha would not have increased beyond Jarvis Masters and I. Mo is always fighting the good fight whether it be about inmates right to tablets, (which he has succeeded!) right to healthier food and conditions in prison or more, Mo is a mover and shaker. He was also one of the 8 men on Death Row who gave me excellent feedback as I created the Introduction to Buddhism course book.
He is also an excellent writer. His blog “Ashoka Speaks” is worth a look: https://betweenthebars.org/people/show/8439
I recently heard from Mo that he will be liberated from Death Row soon. He is already looking forward to spreading the Dharma where he lands. Maurice is an embodiment of the junction of Spirituality and Social Justice. Check him out.