buddhist prison ministry
Due to the generosity of the following supporters, it is possible for BPM to
bring Dharma to some of the world’s most forgotten places.
BPM’s Fiscal Sponsor
How You Can Support Us:
Please keep BPM’s goal of bringing light to the darkest places in your heart. Though our focus is on bringing dharma to the incarcerated, there is enough light to bring to other places that need it—we are all on the same team in this goal.
Any amount is welcome! Historically, organizations and foundations who grant to Buddhist groups working in prisons are scarce. With your contribution, BPM can continue to provide workbooks free of charge to those who request them. It costs approximately $8.00 to print and send a workbook to an inmate. That workbook might well be used to start a sangha where none had existed! Or shared with a cellie who then shares with their family member. Light expands as does every dollar in its goodness.
Student Testimonial
“This is a great course because it speaks the truth in a clear and concise way. Studying this course was like being in the presence of the BuddhaDharma. I wish more people throughout the world will find this course. Especially kids in school around the world. If this course can be offered in the major crime cities of America, I know it will impact the kids and their community. The violence will end. If this course can be available for kids in the third world Buddhist countries, I know it will help rejuvenate Buddhism and bring light to these Buddhist regions. I feel the youth of the world will benefit from this course, please find a way to offer this course to the youth because I know it will impact them in a positive way. This course is a Dharma jewel!”