the Edovo Platform
Tablet Learning
Through a paid-subscription, BPM is now able to offer our Workbooks, Courses as well as carefully curated Resources via the Edovo Tablet Platform.
Since our initial upload in October 2023, we have over 21,000 learners enrolled in BPM’s offerings.
Buddhist Prison Ministry supports the Fastest Growing Sangha in the US--our brothers and sisters behind bars.
BPM is honored to extend our paid Edovo subscription to a few carefully chosen organizations and individuals who generously support our goal of offering skills and tools of Buddhism through a variety of schools and traditions.
Dr. Alexander Berzin
Many, many contributions to our workbooks and additional course offerings in English and Spanish.
Parallax Press
Writings from Thich Nhat Hanh + Others
Professor Donald S. Lopez, jr.
The Norton Anthology of World Religions
Lama Palden Drolma
Ralph Steele
Guided Meditations
Jai Uttal
Grammy-nominated composer, musician, and singer.
Joel & Michelle Levey
Wisdom at Work - Guided Meditations + Videos
Tom Kenyon
One of the most respected sound healers in the world today
“I have completed courses one, two, and three.
This will forever change my life and I am interested in so much more.
The Buddha and his teachings are ingrained in me.
— Incarcerated Learner