How & where we work
Edovo Tablet Workbooks + Courses:
BPM uploads Workbook + Courses to Edovo Platform
Edovo “approves” and publishes content to partner institutions.
Inmate reads materials and responds to Integration Questions via Edovo.
Edovo issues a Certificate of Completion.
BPM reads through learner responses and uses feedback to develop content for future “Awakening in Prison” podcast episodes.
Mailed copies of Workbooks + Courses:
Inmate / chaplain writes to BPM specifically naming the workbook they are requesting.
BPM sends Workbook to institution.
Inmate receives book, completes integration questions and sends them back to BPM.
BPM staff issues certificate of completion to inmate.
BPM staff assigns homework responses to one of our volunteers.
Volunteer reads responses makes comments and sends back to inmate at address provided.
From a Snake River Correctional Institute Volunteer:
Our Dharma Studies sangha at SRCI in Oregon is nearing the end of the second workbook and we have gotten some sincere, intimate discussions from the Prison Ministries materials we have been studying. The men direct and oversee the activities of the sangha while I pretty much just hold the space for them to meet together. I myself have learned much from this dedicated group of men and the material you have provided for them. Thanks to this study we have become a community of honest deep learners and our gratitude is tremendous.
Thank you for all you do for the incarcerated individuals in this massive prison industrial complex our society has produced. You are greatly appreciated.